Thursday, March 25, 2010

Waiting for my turn.

"I can take turns on the slide. It is the Pt England Way and I can be an awesome Pt Englander.
I like playing on the playground."
By David, Room 2 (Dictated to teacher)


  1. Hi David,

    Yes, your right waiting in line is the Pt.England way.You will be a very good Pt. Englander If you do that every time you are on the play ground.


  2. Hi David,

    My name is Katherine and I'm a college student in Mobile, AL and you did a really good job on your drawing. Also it is a good thing to be patient and wait your your turn for the slide. I loved going down the slide when I was your age. I enjoyed playing at the playground too. Keep up the great work and keep being the great Pt. Englander you can be.


  3. Hi David,

    Very nice picture and yes! I think you are going to be a great pt Englander. Also it a good thing to be patient and wait for your turn on the silde.

    Keep up the great work!


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