Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mr Jerahd

This is Mr Jerahd. He is smiling at us because he wants to leap across his cage and come to play with us at school. Imagine finding Mr Jerahd on the junior playground!! Oh my gosh. . . 

By Jerahd, Room 4.


  1. Hi Jerahd,

    I like how you have used lots of detail on your tiger! I can see that it has stripes and I can see its claws are ready to leap. I would be very scared to find Mr Jerahd the tiger in the junior playground!

    Miss M xxoxoxo

  2. Mr Jerahd, your picture is so awesome and it is really good. So one day, I want to draw a picture like you did. Keep up the work, I love it!

    From Jedida


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