Monday, May 17, 2010

Games I play

I am sitting on the footpath playing kangaroo with Judah.By Lomio-Lee


  1. Wow that would be very cool moving classes. But most of all your in the highest class.

  2. Hi Lomio,Like the picture you drew of you and your friend judah,it looks like you have special powers to be that high of the ground,also like the colour which matche's the school uniform:)

  3. Hello again son
    I see your art work on the computer is comming along quite good you sure know how to draw using the computer,keep the hard work up.

  4. Hi Lomio-Lee Great work on how you drew those people and take care of yourself. From Zion

  5. Hi Lomio

    I like the picture you drew of Judah and Youself. Especially the spikey hair.

    Keep up the good work.


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