Monday, December 17, 2012

Room 4's Toy Story. . .

"Look at me collecting rubbish at home to bring to school to make my amazing musical toy", said Langi.

"I am a star because I can get a goal like they do at the Olympics. . .", said Viliami.

By Latoya, Room 4.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Halloween Scary Pumpkin!

Ana created this picture on our ipads and was very clever and sent it to my email inbox ready to
post a blog story. . .

" I'm a little pumpkin and Ana cut me to make eyes and a scary mouth! 
She put candles inside my amazing pumpkin head so that I shine like the stars and the moon -
can you see them shining and sparkling all around me?" 

By Ana, Room 4.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas Cat

Greedy Cat ran to his door but he was too fat so he had to go wriggle wriggle so he could get inside.
By William